Biceps tendon rupture in San Antonio

Biceps tendon rupture

What Is the bicep tendon?

The biceps tendon is a strong fibrous band that connects the biceps muscle to the bone. It plays an important role in allowing you to flex your elbow and rotate your forearm. The biceps muscle, located in the front of the upper arm, has two heads (hence the name "biceps," which means "two heads"). These two heads come together and form a single tendon that attaches to the radius bone in the forearm.

What Is a bicep tendon rupture?

A bicep tendon rupture refers to the tearing or complete separation of one of the two tendons in the bicep. While long head ruptures occur more frequently than short head ruptures, both are possible to occur. A bicep tendon rupture can be either full or partial with a full rupture occurring more frequently. In a partial rupture, some tissue remains attached to the bone.

Causes of a bicep tendon rupture

Common causes of bicep tendon rupture include:

  • Trauma: Sudden, forceful impact or excessive force on the arm through lifting a heavy object or falling

  • Degeneration: With time the tendons weaken making them more susceptible even with minimal strain

  • Repetitive Stress: Repeatedly performing activities that place stress on the biceps tendon can contribute to tendon wear and tear

symptoms of a bicep tendon rupture

There are several symptoms to look out for if you have sustained a concussion:

  • Pain

  • Swelling

  • Weakness in bending the elbow

  • Possible lump due to the retracted muscle

TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR a bicep tendon rupture

Treatment options for a biceps tendon rupture depend on the severity of the injury, the patient's age, activity level, and their individual goals. Treatment options may include rest and conservative measures for partial tears or surgical repair for complete ruptures, especially in cases where preserving arm strength and function is a priority.


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