Hip Fracture Experts in San Antonio

Hip Fracture

What is A Hip Fracture?

Hip fractures occur when bones in the hip joint break or crack, specifically those in the upper part of the femur (thigh bone) and pelvis.

There are two main types of hip fractures:

  1. Intracapsular fracture: This type of fracture occurs within the hip joint capsule, which is the connective tissue surrounding the hip joint. Femoral neck fractures are the most common intracapsular fracture, occurring near the ball of the ball-and-socket joint.

  2. Extracapsular fracture: This type of fracture occurs outside the hip joint capsule. Intertrochanteric fractures are the most common extracapsular fractures, which occur between the femoral neck and lesser trochanter.

What are the Most Common Causes of A Hip Fracture?

In older adults, it is a common injury resulting from a fall or direct trauma to the hip. It is also possible for hip fractures to occur in young people as a result of high-impact accidents or sports injuries.

Treatment for A Hip Fracture

Hip fractures are serious injuries that require immediate medical attention and treatment. In most cases, surgery is the primary treatment option for hip fractures.

Following surgery, physical therapy is a crucial aspect of rehabilitation after a hip fracture. It helps improve strength, flexibility, and mobility, allowing the patient to regain functional independence. Passive manipulation and massage therapy to improve blood circulation and healing may also be administered. Other techniques such as acupuncture, TENS, and ultrasound therapy may additionally be recommended.

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Hip Fracture Surgery in San Antonio