What Is A Shoulder Labral Tear?

A shoulder labral tear is a type of injury that is common among athletes and individuals of all ages. Read along as we discuss this injury, what causes it, the symptoms, treatment options, and more!

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A shoulder labral tear may sound complex, but in reality, it's a fairly common injury that can occur in anyone at any age. The labrum is a ring of cartilage that surrounds the socket of the shoulder joint, providing stability and cushioning to the bones and tendons in the area. When this ring of tissue tears, it can cause pain, weakness, and instability in the shoulder.

What Are the Causes of a Shoulder Labral Tear?

Shoulder labral tears can be a common injury among athletes or those who regularly engage in upper-body exercise and movement. There are a number of different factors that can contribute to these tears, including repetitive overhead motions, traumatic injuries, and aging. Overuse and repetitive motions such as throwing a baseball or lifting weights can cause gradual wear and tear on the labrum, eventually leading to a tear. Traumatic injuries, such as a fall or sudden impact, can also cause tears. Unfortunately, as we age, the labrum can become weaker and more susceptible to tears, making older individuals at a higher risk for this type of injury.

Symptoms of a Shoulder Labral Tear:

Some symptoms of a shoulder labral tear may include:

  • A popping or clicking sound when moving the shoulder.

  • Weakness in the affected arm.

  • Pain or tenderness in the shoulder joint.

  • Difficulty moving the arm.

It is important to seek medical attention if you suspect you have a shoulder labral tear, as leaving it untreated can lead to further damage and a longer recovery time.

Treatment Options for a Shoulder Labral Tear:

Living with a shoulder labral tear can be a challenging experience. The constant pain and discomfort can disrupt your daily routine and affect the quality of your life. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to help alleviate the pain and promote healing. These include physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, and surgery. In addition, managing pain after a shoulder labral tear can be achieved by applying ice packs, taking pain medications as prescribed, and avoiding activities that exacerbate the pain.

Have you recently experienced a shoulder injury and think you may have a shoulder labral tear? Schedule an appointment with one of our shoulder specialists today!

It's important to be aware of the causes, symptoms, risk factors, and treatments available to manage a shoulder labral tear injury, and with an accurate diagnosis, our physicians can provide an effective treatment plan designed just for you.


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