What Are The Symptoms of A Concussion?

First things first,

What is a Concussion?

A concussion is an injury to the brain caused by a sudden, forceful impact to the head or body. This results in the rapid movement of the brain within the skull, leading to temporary disturbances in brain function.Although most concussions do not pose a life-threatening risk, they can have significant effects on a person's cognitive and emotional well-being.


There are several symptoms to watch out for if you think you have a concussion:

  • Headache

  • confusion

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Sensitivity to light

  • Sensitivity to noise

  • Memory problems

  • Lack of balance

  • Fatigue

What should you do if you think you have a concussion?: “if you're worried you have a concussion, go to the hospital.”

Concussion Treatment

Concussion treatment usually encompasses rest, both physically and mentally, during the initial recovery phase and the avoidance of activities that might exacerbate symptoms. Pain relief medications like acetaminophen may be prescribed for managing headaches. A gradual return to everyday activities, such as attending school or work, is advised once symptoms show improvement, with the guidance of a healthcare professional. Close monitoring for any signs of symptom deterioration is crucial within the first 24-48 hours. Preventing re-injury is paramount, and in severe cases or if symptoms worsen, medical assessment and neuroimaging tests may be required to rule out more severe brain injuries..

Dr. BAginski specializes in concussion management for athletes of all ages.

AT ORTHO SAN ANTONIO, OUR Sports Medicine Physicians’ MAIN CONCERN IS AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN THE COMPLETE AND TOTAL RECOVERY OF THE PATIENT. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Baginski or one of our other experts today!


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